young professional collection for family in need

Let’s help create stability and a sense of home for a single mom with two teenagers who needs EVERYTHING for their small apartment on Nebraska Ave. they just moved into. This single mom has courageously worked hard in several jobs to take care of her kids after they witnessed the murder of their father a few years ago.  

We have the privilege of coming alongside them with the love and hope of Jesus.  They have lived in hotel rooms, their car and are now sleeping on the floor in their new apartment with no other possessions. 

If you would like to help, click the button below to access the collection Google document sheet. Please put your name and phone number by an item you would like to contribute. We will be making one delivery trip to the family with all the collected items. You will be contacted regarding delivery place and date for your contribution before the big delivery to the family. 

Questions? Contact Kathy Conner.